Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Just finished paying some bills.  Ahh now I can relax a little.  Still trying to figure out what to do for the summer.  I'd love to take a few weeks off and just spend lots and lots of time with Owen.  There is a few things I can do for After School to accumulate a few hours.  My After School boss told me about a program through the park district where the DC goes to schools and does activities from 9:30 to 12:30, and I really want to do it, I just need to figure out what to do with Owen.  I don't think it's going to pay the same as what I get now, so I need to figure out if it'd be worth paying a sitter.  It will get me out of the museum, but set hours are of course more challenging.  I'll have to talk to my peeps and see what I can do.
John's grandparents are back from Florida for the summer, so maybe I can work out something with them.  I'll just keep my fingers crossed that it will all work out.

So there is only one more week of After School left, and I am sad!  I'll miss the little monsters.  I've really started to like my job, well most of the time.  Yesterday I had to expel a student from the program.  He had his 3rd strike, kicked over a garbage can, and threw something at another student.  I really like the kid, and I hate when I have to remove a student.  Makes me feel bad, cause I then have to wonder what kind of help will they be getting at home.  When we talked to his mom, she asked to speak to him, and started screaming at him:(  That is why I always try to keep what happens in the program, stays in the program.

Owen is doing really good.  Still waiting on the gate for our privacy fence though.  Owen always tries to run out of the back yard.  Today he didn't get far cause he tripped and fell on the next door neighbors driveway.  Scraped up his leg, but didn't cry!  Such a tough guy.

Mother's Day:)

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