Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello Stranger!

It's been way too long since I have blogged.

Maybe I haven't had much to talk about.  Humm what has been happening with Tasha?

Now that my seasonal after school job is done for the summer, I've been trying to get away with not working so much.  It's been awesome.  I love filling my days with just Owen.  We spend a lot of time in the backyard, going to parks, and going to the pool.  It's great that this year Owen can play at the pools.  Last year he had just started walking, so he was not so steady, if you know what I mean.

I took Owen to Magic Waters water park last week.  And he loved it.  He loved playing in the waves, loved going down the side in the baby pool, but he was done after a few hours.  One second he was laughing and running around, and the next he was just done.  I could've stayed all day:)

I've been working a few days at the museum, and next week I start working doing summer school stuff.  It's only in the mornings, and I'll be done by 12:30.  So that's pretty nice.

Oh one big change for me, and yes it's a little hard to believe since I am not religious.  I started going to church!  I've been going to the Unitarian church with my mom on Sundays.  It's a cool church cause welcome all religions, not just christianity.  They really do a good job of making you see how doing good in the world makes you a better person.  One big thing for me is holding grudges.  I really need to work on not holding grudges.

Any way, on the Vegan side of things... I've not been baking so much.  What???  No I know, I need to get back on track.  I guess the whole being broke has left me without some of the essentials needed for baking.

Owen has been a little less picky lately.  He has also been talking a lot more. So sometimes he can tell you what he wants.  He loves pizza, pasta, mac and cheese, toast, and fruit.  This morning I asked him what he wanted to breakfast and he says "fruit."

I also need to be on the ball for planning Owen's birthday party.  I like to try to make the decorations myself.  The invitations have been sent, so at least I have that taken care of.  I'm going to have a loose Owl theme for the party.  Owen's favorite book is Owl At Home.  He wants us to read it every night, three times a night.  Oh and at nap time too:)

Well next time I won't wait so long.  I've got some potty training to brag about.  So see you soon!

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