Monday, April 11, 2011

Okay Here it Goes...

Co-Sleeping is a very controversial subject.  It seems that most people have strong feelings for and against it.  I know that before Owen, I may have thought it was a little weird.  I mean, I really did not co-sleep with my parents.  When I was sick, I'd sleep in their bed, but other than that I shared a room with my sister.

I can say that I do remember being scared at night, and yes, I was a bed wetter.  Maybe that's linked to insecurity, I'm not sure, have never really looked into it that much.  I do remember laying in bed frozen, and not wanting to move because I was afraid that someone was behind me.  That probably definitely came from the movie Pet Cemetery.  Looking back, its not a movie that I would let Owen watch at a young age, but never the less I saw it, and there is a dead guy in it, who scared the living day lights out of me, and that is who I thought was behind me in bed.

So anyway back to co-sleeping.  I almost am embarrassed when I admit that Owen sleeps with us some but not all nights.  Okay let me rephrase that.  Some nights we put Owen to bed in his bed, but he always ends up in our bed at some point. Sometimes it's midnight, and sometimes not until 3 or 4.  And I must admit, this does not bother me one bit.

I love having Owen with us.  I think it gives him an extra sense of security, and me as well.  John and I still have privacy when Owen is in his room, so that is not a problem. Of course I'd be silly to think that it'll never be a problem.  I never said our system is perfect.  I've talked to other parents who said that their child naturally moved to their own bed.  And, Owen does show interest in his own bed.  He has a toddler bed.  Some times he wants to nap in his bed, and some nights he wants to read books in his bed.  I guess we just do not try to make it an issue.

Owen is a very happy toddler, and is loved very much.  I've done some research on co-sleeping and the US is one of the only countries that does not have their young sleep with or near them.  I'm definitely not asking for advice on how to move Owen out of our bed, I am just confessing that yes, we are a co-sleeping family:) But I do look forward to your comments.


  1. Research has shown that co-sleeping makes for more compassionate children and future adults. The US is one of the few countries where lots of unnecessarily controversial issues are not practiced as frequently as in other countries, and yet we have more maladjusted children. Go figure. As long as you and John are still meeting *your* needs, I say good for you for embracing his need to snuggle close. You simply cannot love a child too much!
