Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Owen and I made chocolate chip cookies.  As I said before he is already in the terrible twos.  Last night he had a fit from the time he got home from our friend Holly's till he went to bed.  It's as if satan took over his body:) Okay that's a little bit of an exaggeration.

 I've been googling how to deal with temper tantrums.  This stage in a toddlers life can start as early as one, and last until the age of 4. Hopefully for our sake, Owen is just going through a spurt, and he will be sweet wonderful Owen again.  So we try to ignore his tantrums and not give in.  At dinner time he didn't want to sit in his high chair, he wanted to sit on John's lap.  He screamed and cried, and finally after 10 or 15 minutes he climbed into his high chair.  I must say, dinner is never boring with a screaming toddler.

So this morning Owen and I made chocolate chip cookies.  He makes them all the time with his Nana- John's mom, so he is quite familiar with the process.  He has his little spoon, and eats the dough.  I do not think I am as generous as his Nana, but I let him taste a little bit.

I cannot remember who told me this story but somebody at sometime was telling me, that when their child was young and in elementary school, they would bake their child chocolate chip cookies from scratch and send them in their lunch.  Come to find out, the child would trade the cookies for chips ahoy and oreo's at lunch time.  I wonder if that will be Owen:)

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