Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why I started this blog...

Hello, I'm Tasha.  I am a momma, a vegan, and like most people right now, struggling!!!

It seems like when we (my husband and I) start to get caught up on our bills, another one knocks on our door.  But, I try to maintain a positive outlook, and for the most part it works!

My vegan family consists of me- Tasha- hi, nice to meet you! John-my husband who is a high school English teacher.  And our big turkey man Owen- who is going to be two in July.  I work part time as an after school site-coordinator.  Which is just another way of saying manager.  It's a seasonal job, and I do not get paid holidays or summers.  I work an average of 20 hours a week.

I have a college degree, but really, I'm not using it:) I couldn't tell you what I could do with it anyway.  I'll just say that having that degree may have helped me get my job.  It never looks bad to have a college degree, right?

So my job doesn't exactly pay the bills all of the way, but it keeps us from being two months behind, and in return we are just one month behind.  Look, I know there are things we could do to make paying bills easier, but then our life would be a lot more boring.

There's a lot to learn from all of the tragedy in this world, and one of them is to live your life as if it could end tomorrow.  I do not have a lot of regrets.  I get anxiety sometimes when I look at our bank account, and yes our life would probably be easier with fatter wallets, but would we be as happy?  I'm going with no.

The things that bring joy to our lives is number one- Owen.  After Owen, it's our friends.  We have wonderful friends.  We also love going out to eat.  Baking is another big one.  I love love love baking. Vegan baking, of course! So doing the things we love is essential to our life.  We do not go out to eat very often, but when we do, we are happy and grateful.  I have a few favorite restaurants that I will eventually talk about.

Being vegan is not cheap.  But then again, the good far out weighs the bad.  We hardly go shopping for clothes, video games, etc.  But, most nights we eat like kings and queens.  I would say that I am a smart shopper.  I like to buy fresh, not processed foods.  I might spend an extra dollar sometimes buying organic peppers, but if buying organic is out of the question, I know I have a bottle of veggie wash under the sink.

It's important to me and my husband that Owen is raised in a loving and accepting environment.  We of course are not experts on raising children, and sometimes we get a few raised eye brows.  But, we know what works for us.  Owen is extremely energetic and happy.  He is approaching the terrible twos, so I am not going to pretend that every day is bliss.  Far from!!!

So this is my introduction, and again nice to meet you!